Windows 8: Right click the Desktop and select Personalize; select Control Panel Home; Security and System; System; Device Manager

On the Device Manager screen; scroll down to Ports (Com & LPT); after the words “Communications Port” will be the “COM1” or “COM2”, etc. Look for the words “Metrologic or HoneywellUSB Scanner (COM#). That is your NEW serial COM port.

If you DO NOT have a new COM Port labeled “Metrologic or Honeywell USB Scanner (COM#)”, do step 5 otherwise proceed to step 7.
If a COM PORT was not created in step 4 do the following :
1. Using Windows Explorer go to the 'C:HoneyWell_Scanner' folder and find the folder: 'HSM USB Serial Driver r1.12'
2. In this folder there are two Installation bat files: Install_x64.bat and Install_x86.bat
3. The Install_x64.bat is for installing on a 64 bit computer. The Install_x86.bat is for 32 bit computers.
4. Note: When installing on Windows® Vista or Windows 7 Operating Systems, you must have Administrator privileges or
you will be prompted for an Administrator password.
5. MUST log in as administrator not just run batch file in administrator mode.
3. To run the install, either double click on the appropriate Install_xx.bat file or open a Command Prompt:Start->Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt
4. To determine if your system is a 32 bit or 64 bit see the '32-bit verses 64-bit:' section in this help file.
5. Double click the appropriate .bat file to install the driver.
6. Check the Device Manager again to see if the COM PORT was created.
7. If the COM PORT was not created find the pdf document called: 'Scanner Voyager 1200 Scan Code.pdf' in the C:health folder and print this.
8. Scan only the bar code 'PAP130'. WARNING: ONLY SCAN ONE CODE (PAP130).
9. You may need to remove the scanner from it's stand and press the trigger button on top to scan this code. This should create the new COM PORT.
10. If you do NOT see a new COM PORT call the Honeywell help desk 1-800-582-4263 or 1-800-782-4263 and tell them you are trying to change your scanner to serial mode.
11. Your scanner should now be scanning through a Virtual COM PORT.
12. The COM PORT number you found in the Device Manager in step 6 must be entered in the System Control file, Sign-In Cntrl Tab; Scanner/Keypad section; Com Port 1 field. Do this now.
13. Exit the Fitness Software and the Sign In screen. Re-start the Fitness software and press the “Sign In (Clients)” button. When the Sign In screen appears scan one of your bar codes.
14. If the scanner does not work review the section on “Serial Scanner Test” in this document.
NOTE: The only way to exit the Sign In screen is by pressing the “Ctrl+Break” key combination or press the “Terminate Sign In” button on the Main Menu.
If the scanner stops working this may mean that Windows has changed the COM PORT number. Check the Windows Device Manager to determine the COM PORT and make sure it is set to this in our System Control;Sign-in Cntrl Tab.
To force the creation of the virtual COM PORT Download the Honeywell manual from HoneyWell web site at: and print page 2-5 (23) and scan only code PAP130.
Your computer should now display the Windows Found New Hardware wizard. If it does not, contact the MetroLogic Help Desk.
Driver installation instructions:
  1. When the 'Found New Hardware' wizard appears; click 'Next'.
  2. Select 'Install from a specific location' and click 'Next'.
  3. Select 'Search for the best driver in these locations'. Check 'Include this location in the search'. Click 'Browse' and specify a location where you unzipped the driver files. Uncheck all other options and click 'Next'.
  4. Click 'Next' after Windows finds a driver to install. Click 'Continue anyway' if you get a warning that the driver has not been digitally signed.
  5. When driver installation is complete, click 'Finish'.
You can also download the Metrologic Configuration Software from: Configuration Utility.exe. Select the “Software” tab then the “Configuration Software” link; save the file to your desktop; then double click the file name on the desktop to install.
This software allows you to configure and change all the default settings on the MetroLogic scanners.
If you have difficulties making this conversion, contact the help desk at Honeywell; 1-800-582-4263 or 1-800-782-4263.
Com Port Not Found error: If the scanner com port get defined properly in the Device Manager and still is not recognised by the Sign In screen... check the way in which the Application Start Up icon is defined. If the target location is on another computer and the pathing starts with '//' change location to a MAPPED DRIVE letter and the Start Up Location to the same MAPPED DRIVE.
32-bit verses 64-bit:
How to find what type is on your computer.
Windows XP: Left click the Start Button on the Desktop; select Settings; Control Panel; double click “System” icon; select the General Tab.
Vista: Left click the Start Button on the Desktop; Select Settings; Control Panel; System and Maintenance.
Windows 7/8: Right click the Start Button on the Desktop; select Control Panel; System and Security ; System

On the General Tab or the screen will indicate if the computer is a 64-bit. If this is NOT noted as 64-bit then it is a 32-bit.

Serial Scanner Setup:

This section is intended as a guide to assist you in setting up your Serial Scanner and troubleshooting any problems that may occur. The following procedures can be applied to any Serial Scanner. If your scanner does not work after reading and following these instructions we recommend you call the Manufacturer’s help line for assistance or consult with your local hardware technician.


If you have a Metrologic scanner please refer to section MetrologicUSB Scanner Conversion to Serial.

Your Scanner may have come with a cable and a 9 pin connector on the end. If it does NOT have this type of connector, it is NOT a serial cable and this document may NOT apply. Plug this serial cable into the end of the handle of the scanner. Make sure this is firmly pushed into the handle until it clicks in the locked position. It should not be able to be removed by pulling on it. It can be removed only by inserting a paper clip into the release hole, next to the end of the cable.
Usually a Power Adapter plugs into the end of this cable on top of the 9 pin connector. Plug this power adapter into a standard power bar with surge protection.
  1. Plug the 9 pin connector into the Serial Port on the back of your computer. If you do not have a Serial Port, see “Adding a Serial Port to your computer”.
  2. The red LED light in the scanner should come on and stay on. If it does not, see “Programming a Serial Scanner”.
  3. Start up the Ease-E-Club software and select Report and Tables option; then the Tables option; then System Control option; Select the Sign In Tab and select a COM port in the Serial Scanner section. Usually this is going to be “COM1”. If you don’t know which COM port select “COM1” or see the section “Selecting a COM port”.
  4. To test the operation, start up the Ease-E-Club software and select the “Sign In clients” button at the top of the Main Menu. When the Sign In screen appears, scan one of your bar codes. If the bar code is set up as a client number or entered in the Bar Code ID field for a client, the system will accept the code and record a visit for them. If the code is not set up the system will display an “Invalid client” alert. If nothing happens see the “Trouble Shooting” section.
NOTE: The only way to exit the Sign In screen is by pressing the “Ctrl+Break” key combination or press the “Terminate Sign In” button on the Main Menu.

On a single user system with ONE monitor you should start the Ease-E-Club application and minimize it when the Main Menu appears; then start another session of the Ease-E-Club application and select the Sign In option. The Sign In screen will display ready for clients to scan their keytags. To switch back to the Main Menu so you can do other things, hold down the “Alt” key and press the “Tab” key. If a client scans their bar code when you are doing something else, the system will complete the sign-in in the background. This will allow you to switch between any active windows application.

If you require a Bar Code Slot Reader we recommend the IDTECH Barcode Slot Reader (IDT-WCR3227600US OMNI B/C SLOT RDR,USB,VIS RED WEATHERIZED, EMULATES RS232 ($215.00 USD). This attaches to a USB port but operates in SERIAL mode; thus allowing it to sign in clients while other tasks are being done on the same computer.
Windows 7 problems:
Sometimes the assigned COM PORT for the scanner will not be accessible in Windows 7 even after it has worked for some time.
Symptoms: Bar code scanner simply stops working. Opening the Sign-In (Members) screen produces an error that the com port setting is incorrect. In the system control/sign in control tab, the com port setting matches the one found in device manager, but produces a com port error when trying to save. When scanning a bar code, the scanner beeps as per usual, but does not bring any data in to the application.
Sometimes changing the COM Port number in the Device Manager and in our System Control to match, will also fix this issue.
Sometimes Windows 7 changes the com port number randomly and assigns a higher number. When this number gets too high windows has a problem.
It may also be the user profile may have been corrupt. There were no other symptoms of corruption, but creating a new user and logging in as that new user solved the issue.
It appears to be a Windows 7 issue... it is blocking the com port.
Connecting TWO Scanners to ONE Computer:
If you need to connect two serial scanners to one computer and direct the input to our one signin screen you may need to purchase third party software like CPS Barcode Wedge($24.00). Web Site: This software allows you to map the input from two serial scanners to the keyboard input. This will mean that the sign in screen must be in focus when members want to sign in. If you only have one computer you may want to consider networking another computer to handle just the sign in process. An ADD-ON work station user license is $125.00.
Single user system with TWO monitors:
This configuration is good if you want the client to see the messages on a second monitor when they sign in for a visit.
We recommend a Serial Scanner for this configuration. This is because the Sign In screen will run on the second monitor and free up the main monitor to run any other application. With a Serial Scanner, the Ease-E-Club application does not have to be running on the main monitor.
Setup and procedures:
  1. Start up the Ease-E-Club system and go to Reports Menu, Tables Menu, System Control, Sign In Tab; Check the box labeled “Switch Screen in Dual Monitor Mode”.
  2. If you have a Serial Scanner or a Metrologic USB scanner running in Serial Mode make sure the COM Port is selected under the “Serial Scanner” field.
  3. After exiting the System Control file; Exit all running versions of the Ease-E-Club software, including the Sign In screen.
  4. Start up the Ease-E-Club software on the Main Monitor. A new button called “Sign In Manual” will appear next to the regular Sign In (clients) button. This new button can be used to manually sign in a client by typing the bar code number on the keyboard.
  5. Press the regular Sign In (clients) button on the Main Menu and the Sign In screen will appear on the Second Monitor. The Sign In process is now ready for client to sign in. This Sign In screen will ONLY accept numbers by scanning a bar code using your Serial Scanner. (If the Sign In screen doesn’t appear on the Second Monitor see the section on “Positioning the Sign In Screen on a Second Monitor”. If this fails you may have a problem with the configuration of your video card and you should contact your hardware technician or the video card manufacturer.
  6. If some or all the Sign In alerts and/or messages appear on the Main Monitor instead of the Sign In monitor, this is a configuration problem with your dual monitor video card; please consult with your technician or the video card manufacturer.
  7. On the Main Monitor you can now access other options within the fitness application or exit the Ease-E-Club software on the main monitor and work in other applications while clients are being signed in on the 2nd monitor.
ComPort 1: This is the COM PORT that the scanner or Keypad is plugged into. May be a physical COM port on the back of the computer or a VIRTUAL COM Port created by a USB to Serial Adaptor.
Baud Rate: This is the Baud Rate of the Scanner or Keypad. Most are 9600 baud. Note: The Genovation Keypad is 1200 baud.
ComPort 2: This is the COM PORT that the second Scanner is plugged into. May be a physical COM port on the back of the computer or a VIRTUAL COM Port created by a USB to Serial Adaptor. Note: This CANNOT be a keypad. If you use this you MUST select “localhost” in the TCP IP field.
Baud Rate: This is the Baud Rate of the second Scanner attached to the second COM Port. Most are 9600 baud.
NOTE: if using a numeric keypad and another sign-in process such as a scanner or proximity card reader, the keypad MUST be assigned to Com 1.
Some keytags not scanning:
You may find that some clients have problems getting their keytag bar codes to scan. The scanner emits a narrow band of RED light that can be seen if you move your hand under it. Depending on the lighting conditions in the room (low light is better), the bar code should be scanned parallel to the RED light emitted from the scanner. The more perfectly parallel, the better success you will have. Some people draw a square box, the size of the keytag on a sheet of paper, then tape the paper to the counter and position the head of the scanner in the stand about 3-4 inches above this square. The clients are told to position their keytag within the square. This helps them get the keytag aligned properly and eliminates intermittent scanning problems.
Adding a SerialPort to your computer:
If your computer does NOT have a Serial Port connector on the back you have 3 choices:
  1. Buy a “ USB to Serial Adaptor”. This device plugs into any free USB port and creates a new COM PORT within windows. You can obtain one of these converters from your local computer store or hardware supplier. if you have Windows 7 or Windows 8 make certain it is compatible. This is the option we recommend.
  2. Have your computer supplier add a Serial Card to your computer and install the proper drivers and test that it is working.
  3. Buy a new computer with a serial port already installed.
Positioning the Sign In Screen on a Second Monitor:
If the Sign In screen does not position itself on the second monitor go to the System Control; Sign In Tab and check the “Switch Screen in Dual Monitor Mode”; make sure this is checked. If it is not, check it and exit the system control. Exit the Sign In screen and re-start the Sign In.
If the “Switch Screen in Dual Monitor Mode” is already checked start up the Sign In screen and move it with the mouse to the second monitor and position it correctly. Now go to the System Control; Sign In Tab press the “Screen Position” button. Press the “Record Position” button. Update and Exit the System control. Exit the Application and exit the Sign In screen. Re-start the application and select the Sign In clients button. This time the sign in screen should be positioned on the second monitor.
Switching from USB to Serial scanning:
If you have a ZebexUSB scanner and want to switch it to a Serial Scanner a new Serial Cable can be ordered from the ZBA manufacturer. If it is a Metro-Logic USB scanner, they have a Driver Utility that can be downloaded to redirect the USB input through the COM port to emulate a Serial Scanner. This utility is free of charge; see “MetroLogic Scanner Conversion to Serial”.
Metrologic Scanners for Australia and New Zealand
Go to Click on 'Handheld Scanners' and then 'Voyager'
Between this website and the world site ( there seems to be two phone numbers for Oz: 1-800 99 88 38 (NSW) and 1-800 242 548 (Brisbane)
The model that seems to work best is MS 9590 VoyagerGS (serial port).
Also check site: >Products>Hand-Held Scanners>MS9590 VoyagerGS
If you require a Bar Code Slot Reader we recommend the IDTECH Barcode Slot Reader (IDT-WCR3227600US OMNI B/C SLOT RDR, USB , VIS RED WEATHERIZED, EMULATES RS232 ($215.00 USD). This attaches to a USB port but operates in SERIAL mode; thus allowing it to sign in clients while other tasks are being done on eth same computer.
The Installation Guide for this slot reader can be downloaded from: Guide.pdf
Proximity Card Scanner:
We tested the following Proximity Card scanner and found it works well with our Sign In screen.
You can order this Proxinity reader from
Once installed you will need to change the Sign In COM Port in our System Control; SigninCntrl tab to the proper COM Port number and it will work for you.
Kwikfit uses the RFIDEAS card with COM1 set for the scanner and for the door... works well.
Here are sugested Part numbers and models depending on your application... Please call RFIDEAS to confirm function and features before ordering.
Part# Description Price
RDR-6100CKN000 iCLASS R10 mullion Black wiegand reader $89.00
BDG-2080 iCLASS 2k clamshell, 26 bit badge $2.57 each (minimum 50)
BDG-2050 iCLASS 2k 26 bit Keyfob $5.00 each (minimum 50)
RDR-7081AK0 AIR ID Enroll iCLASS ID# Black USB virtual COM reader $199.00
KT-SHBKT pcProx & AIR ID Black mounting bracket kit $10.00
OEM-W2RS232-V3 Wiegand to RS232 converter w/relay $175.00
(see p. 17:
LPS-12v500ma-WALL 12vdc, 500ma regulated power supply $19.00
USB cabling spec is up to 15 feet so anything over that would need to use the R10 reader and the converter board.
Ron Fiedler
Director of Business Development
[email protected]
847.870.1723 x414 office
954.253.3647 mobile
Bar Code Slot Reader:
We recommend a Bar Code Slot Reader from IDTECT (Model: IDT-WCR3227600US OMNI B/C SLOT RDR,USB,VIS RED WEATHERIZED
This slot reader is also suitable for mounting outside; as with a 24 hour facility. We recommend that a protective shelter be built around the unit to protect it for the direct rain and snow.
This unit can be ordered from us.
If purchased from another vendor we are limited in the installation help we can provide.
Honeywell voyager ms9520 driver
[email protected]
If you want the scanner to operate in SERIAL mode you must download a driver from the ID Tech web site:
USB Scanner Setup:
Two Computers Networked:
On a Two User system the Ease-E-Club software is NOT installed on the Sign In computer but it uses a shortcut icon directed to the Main computer to run the Sign In screen. Your scanner DOES NOT have to be programmed with a “Preamble” header. When the bar code is scanned while the Sign In screen is active on the Sign In computer, a visit is recorded and the main database is updated. In this configuration the sign in process does not interrupt the processes on the main computer and is much more convenient for higher traffic areas. Note: A small additional user license for each additional work station is required to make this work.
Single user system with ONE monitor and USB Scanner:
This configuration is good if you want a Staff client to see the client picture and messages when the client signs in for a visit.
On a single monitor system the Ease-E-Club software MUST be running. Your USB scanner should be programmed with a “Preamble” header that includes a “FUNCTION KEY 12” or “FUNCTION KEY 9”. This function key tells our software to switch to the Sign In screen when a bar code is scanned. This enables you to be working in another area of the fitness software, such as the client file, and have the Sign In screen automatically invoked when a bar code is scanned.
If your scanner is not pre-programmed with the “FUNCTION KEY 12”, you MUST have the Sign In screen active when the client tries to scan their bar code or the visit WILL NOT be recorded. For example; if you are working in the client file and a client scans their bar code, the code will show up in whatever field you happen to be in, but NO visit will be recorded. You MUST switch focus to the Sign In screen by a RIGHT-MOUSE click and selecting Sign In. Then when the sign in is complete you can exit the sign in screen and return to the client file. When leaving the computer unattended, always have the Sign In screen active, so that clients can sign in when they arrive.
Single user system with TWO monitors:
This configuration is good if you want the client to see the messages on a second monitor when they sign in for a visit.
We recommend a Serial Scanner for this configuration. This is because the Sign In screen will run on the second monitor and free up the main monitor to run any other application. With a Serial Scanner, the Ease-E-Club application does not have to be running on the main monitor. See Serial Scanner Setup section.
Computerease DOES NOT directly supply or support dual monitor video cards; these must be configured by your technical support.
Setup and procedures:
1. Go to Reports Menu, Tables Menu, System Control, Sign In Tab; Check the box labeled “Switch Screen in Dual Monitor Mode”.
2. After exiting the System Control file; Exit all running versions of the Ease-E-Club software.
3. Start up the Ease-E-Club software on the Main Monitor.
4. Press the Sign In button on the Main Menu and the Sign In screen will appear on the Second Monitor. The Sign In process is now ready for client to sign in. (If the Sign In screen doesn’t appear on the Second Monitor you may have a problem with the configuration of your video card and you should contact your hardware technician)
5. On the Main Monitor you can now access other options within the fitness application or minimize the main screen. If you have a Serial Scanner you can exit the Ease-E-Club software on the main monitor and work in other applications while clients are being signed in.
If your USB scanner is not pre-programmed with the “FUNCTION KEY 12 OR 9”, you MUST have the Sign In screen active when the client tries to sign in or the visit WILL NOT be recorded. Do this by touching the second monitor window with the mouse, or using “ALT+TAB” key to switch focus between windows.
If you are in another fitness option such as the client File and want to switch back to the Sign In screen to allow a client to record a visit, RIGHT CLICK the mouse and select “Sign In”. Focus will switch to the Sign In Monitor. You must wait for the Sign In process to complete. After complete, you can click back into the client file and continue where you left off.
Trouble Shooting:
If your scanner DOES NOT work, perform the following tests using the Notepad application:
If you received a Com Port busy message on the Sign In screen and cannot resolve it... try removing the user and setting up the user again. Windows sometimes puts restrictions on certain users and prevents access to com ports.
USB Scanners only:
1. After plugging the scanner into a USB port of your computer, several messages will appear at the bottom of the screen showing you that Windows has found new hardware. Wait for all of these messages to clear. If you do not see these messages, try another USB port. If you still do not see these messages it may still be OK, so proceed to step 2.
2. When the scanner is plugged in, the internal RED lights within the scanner will be ON. If they are not, contact the scanner manufacturer.ZBA Scanner Support help line is 1-908-359-2070.
3. Exit from the Ease-E-Club software. Start up the “Notepad” application by pressing the “Start” button on the task bar; Select All Programs; Accessories; Notepad. A BLANK Notepad will appear on the screen.
4. Scan a Bar Code and you should see the bar code number displayed on the Notepad window. If you see the bar code, the scanner is working as expected and will work within the Ease-E-Club software, on the Sign In screen. If you DO NOT see the bar code, proceed to step 5.
5. If you have a ZBA scanner, try holding the scanner 4-6 inches away from the bar code and moving it around. Then try clicking the trigger on the scanner. If clicking the trigger makes the scanner work and you have a USB scanner, you must re-program your scanner using the program sheet that came with the ZBA scanner, or the document that is included with the software and found in the “C:Health” folder under “Scanner Program 8150.pdf”. If still not working, proceed to step 6. If you have a Serial scanner and pressing the trigger makes the scanner work, you must program the scanner to be “Auto On”. This procedure can be found in the scanner manual available from the scanner manufacturer.
6. Unplug the scanner and shutdown the computer. Unplug the Power Cord from the back of the computer. Wait 2 minutes. Plug the Power Cord back into the computer and start up the computer. When completely started, plug the scanner back into the computer. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to see if the scanner is working. If not, proceed to step 7.
7. Minimize the Notepad window. Start up the Ease-E-Club software. Press “client Cards Print” button on the Main Menu. In the client Card Print screen make sure a check is following the “Bar Code” field in the Items to Print section at the top. Select ONE client number to print. Print the client card to a plain piece of paper. Exit the Ease-E-Club software. Maximize the Notepad application again. Now try scanning the Bar Code that printed on this client Card. If this scans and the bar code appears on the Notepad window, this means your keytags a not made properly. The bar codes on your key tags MUST contain a “*” terminator at the start and end of the bar code. You do not see this character when the code is scanned, but it MUST be there. Contact the supplier of your keytags and have them re-supply you with proper bar codes that include the “*” terminator.
8. If all of this fails and your scanner is still not working, contact the manufacturer of your scanner and have their technician step you through their testing procedure for their scanner. ZBA Scanner Support help line is 1-908-359-2070. MetroLogic 1-800-782-4263 option #4.
8 Digit keytags:
If you are using 8 or 9 digit keytags some have a SPACE at the beginning and if you have an older Zebex 3180 model scanner, these may not scan properly until you change the header setting. You will need to download the Zebex manual and do the following.
Put the scanner back to factory defaults and then turn on auto-scan.
Turn on the setting that tells the scanner to truncate a header character to get rid of the space in front.
Technical assistance with this programming can be arranged through ZBA America. 1-908-359-2070.